For those about to take over an existing car loan, you’ll need the right documents and information in order to successfully transfer it into your name. It’s important that you do this correctly; otherwise, a mistake could mean time delays, added fees or...
After a global pandemic with limited travel and surging gas prices, why are auto rates rising and higher than pre-pandemic? While a formula is used to calculate auto insurance rates, it is not the only factor impacting the total cost. Other factors, such as inflation...
Driving someone else’s car is something you might do without giving insurance coverage much thought. If you’re borrowing a friend or family member’s vehicle once in a while, you may not need insurance. However, there are circumstances where your own auto insurance is...
Uninsured motorists make up a significant percentage of American drivers. According to the Insurance Research Council’s latest report, uninsured motorists accounted for one out of every eight drivers in the U.S. in 2021. If you’re involved in an accident caused by an...
There are many factors to consider when choosing car insurance, and, with young and first-time drivers, plans can look pricey at first. However, there are many resources online to help you compare the various plans available and choose which one is the best for you...
High-risk auto insurance is a category of insurance policy designed for individuals more likely to file a claim. If your auto insurance provider determines you are at an increased risk of getting into an accident, you may need to opt for a non-standard auto insurance...